Liquid chemical products terminal

Year capacity:
100.000 T

6.500 CUB. M

12.5 M

Liquid chemical products are pumped out from tankers at the rate of 500 t per hour. The tank is insulated and the cargo in storage may be heated.
The terminal operates according to the following loading scheme: vessel-tank- motor vehicle. A covered motor vehicle loading point at the capacity of 100 t per hour has been installed. This terminal is an important logistic segment for raw materials import, delivered to a plastic plant, operating in Klaipeda Free Economic Zone.
Liquid cargo are being delivered to the plant by “door-to- door” service, employing BEGA logistics and specialized motor transport divisions.
Technical data
Berths: NR. 71-72
Max. Vessel Draft: 11.5 M
Number of tanks: 1
Storage capacity: 6.500 m3
Tank trucks loading capacity: 100 t/h
Annual capacity: 100.000 tons