Dry bulk fertilizers terminal

Year capacity:
3.7 MLN. T

185.000 T

14.5 M

The fertilizer terminal facilities contain mechanized 35.000, 40.000, 50.000 and 60.000 tons warehouses, three railcars discharging stations with different capacities, transport galleries, a stationary loader and two mobile loaders.
The discharging rate from the railcars is 1,500 per hour and the ship loading rate is 2,500 tons per hour. Depending on needs of cargo owners and logistics solutions, various handling schemes are possible.
Technical data
Berths: NR. 69-72
Depth at berths: 14.5 M
Number of warehouses: 5
Storage capacity: 185.000 TONS
Vessel Loading Capacity: 20.000 TONS/DAY
Railcars unloading capacity: to 12.000 TONS/DAY
Annual capacity: 3.7 MLN. TONS